CONTROLnet is an integrated system of controls. Designed to operate, manage, and supervise every stage of the raw materials handling process.
It offers you a completely new level of management capability, helping to meet the ever greater demands for product quality and cost efficiency.

You need customised controls. This is made possible by modern inter-process communication, enhanced data management, and intuitive, simple operation with efficient monitoring capability.

LUXORnet, VOLUnet, GRAVInet, and METROnet controls for drying, dosing & mixing, conveying, and storage can be used as standalone controls or combined to form an integrated network. All controls can be operated through motan's WEBpanel - a full colour easy to use graphic touch screen.

If required they can be integrated in to motan's LINKnet 3.0 host processing system.

A remote maintenance box can be added as well, to allowed our Motan technician to connect from Motan's offices
to your system for a diagnostic or software upload.  All this is done with a secur VPN connection.